March 8, 2018

Following the commercial launch of Placebell©™ in peripheral neuropathic pain in October 2017 and the initiation of the validation of Placebell©™ in osteoarthritis in August 2017, Tools4Patient announced that the initial study to validate Placebell©™ in Parkinson’s disease commenced in January 2018. This newest study is yet another in the Placebell©™ platform to identify and control for the well-known placebo response which – in many diseases – may mask the true efficacy of potentially important therapies. Unfortunately, the significant impact of the placebo response in the evaluation of therapeutic efficacy in Parkinson’s disease has yet to be managed.  

During the development of this initial study in Parkinson’s disease, Tools4Patient sought the input and advice of a number of experts in the field of Parkinson’s disease clinical research. Leveraging their experience resulted in an extremely sophisticated study design to address several unanswered questions regarding the etiology and manifestations of the placebo response in Parkinson’s disease.

To that end, in collaboration with the French organization NS-Park, Tools4Patient has co-organized a unique symposium to be held on April 6, 2018 in Paris and includes a panel of worldwide experts to address different themes devoted entirely to the impact of the placebo response in medical, psychological and neurobiological research in Parkinson’s disease.

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