Virtual Panel Discussion.

Experts’ Perspectives on the Placebo Response in Clinical Trials

The placebo response has plagued drug development for decades. How can we improve trial success rates and get medicines to patients faster? These key opinion leaders weigh in.

In this panel, experts share their perspectives from real-world trials on both classical and new approaches to manage the placebo response. Attendees will also receive tips on how sponsors or principal investigators can develop optimal strategies to manage the complexity of the placebo response.

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David Hunter...003

David Hunter, PhD

  • Florance and Cope Chair of Rheumatology, University of Sydney
  • Co-Director Sydney Musculoskeletal Health Flagship
Webinar profile Olivier Rascol

Olivier Rascol, MD, PhD

  • Professor of Clinical Pharmacology, Toulouse University Hospital
  • Coordinator, Toulouse Expert Center for Parkinson's Disease (PD)
  • Chair, NS-Park/F-CRIN Neurosciences Network on clinical research in PD
Webinar profile Graham Bunn

Graham Bunn, PhD

  • Former Global VP, Clinical, Medical and Scientific Technology, Parexel
  • Former Global VP Partnerships, Medidata
  • Former Global VP, eClinical Technologies, IQVIA

Moderated by Dominique Demolle, PhD

CEO Cognivia

Cognivia is an innovator of analytical tools to optimize and accelerate the clinical development of new medicines. Cognivia solutions help reduce drug development risk and increase clinical trial success. The company offers Placebell, a solution that improved clinical trial assay sensitivity by characterizing and managing the individual placebo response in a variety of disease states where the placebo effect masks the true efficacy of potentially important therapies.